Free E-Book from TechnoLawyer: “The Lawyer’s Guide to a Well-Appointed iPad” by Brett Burney and Other Expert Contributors

I’ve been writing for TechnoLawyer for almost 10 years now, and I’ve always appreciated the platform even reading the newsletters when I was in law school.
In 2012 & 2013, Neil Squillante (TechnoLawyer’s long-standing editor) asked me to write a series of columns on the best apps that lawyers were using on iPads and iPhones. I declared the best iPad presentation app, the best note-taking apps, the best audio-recording app, the best jury selection app, and many more. (All of these past articles are available to TechnoLawyer members – that’s a FREE membership!)
So I was elated to be part of the free e-book “The Lawyer’s Guide to a Well-Appointed iPad” along with several of my other great friends and lawyers that use the iPad effectively in their practice.
My contribution was part of “Best Document Management Apps” where I covered how to use Dropbox and the Dropbox app on the iPad. Ernie Svenson covered GoodReader and Joseph Hada covered AirFile.
The FREE e-book also covers the “best iPad for You,” the “best PDF Apps,” and the best “Note-Taking Apps for Handwritten Notes.”
The Lawyer’s Guide to a Well-Appointed iPad is packed with spectacular short pointers for any lawyers using an iPad … and IT’S FREE!!
The only “catch” and that you must be (or become) a TechnoLawyer member so that you receive some of the most helpful legal technology newsletters around (such as LitigationWorld, SmallLaw, TL NewsWire, TL Research, and more).
Visit this link to get your FREE copy of The Lawyer’s Guide to a Well-Appointed iPad.
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