Get Your Weekly Dose of iRelated-Tech-News!

Get Your Weekly Dose of iRelated-Tech-News!

One of my favorite weekly visits is to every Friday when Jeff Richardson posts his “In the News” summary of the best stories, articles, reviews, and videos from the past week. And since I’ve had the honor of presenting on stage with Jeff several times, and we’ve always had a fantastic time, I asked him if we could turn his “In the News” coverage into a weekly podcast, and he said Yes!

But we don’t just talk about “news” per se – we share insights and tips and all kinds of additional information, and it’s a blast! We also added a segment called “In the Know” at the end where we both share a tip or app or gadget.

You can listen to the audio-only podcast by subscribing through your favorite pod-catcher, and the best place to do this is from

But for a more “well-rounded” experience, you can watch the YouTube version since we visit websites and show pictures of what we’re discussing – In the News YouTube Channel (don’t forget to subscribe!).

Either way you listen or watch, we’ll have new episodes up every Friday – let us know what you think!